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Year 9 Options at TWA - Support for Parents & Carers

Catherine Young

If you have any questions or would like some advice, please contact our Careers Teams via

Useful links to help you to support your child:

The main Unifrog website that is full of information for students to help them with their career planning.

Please note that this is a paid-for career planning platform that TWA have invested in. Every pupil has been given their own log in for this website. If you are unsure of your log-in details please contact the Careers Team on

So why not see for Unifrog for yourself? Sign up as a student and access the tools in exactly the same way that the students do. You never know, there might be a new career just around the corner!

As a parent or carer of a pupil at TWA, you will be emailed a Unifrog parent code. Then go to and click ‘Sign in for the first time’

Find out more about Unifrog in this PPT:

How to choose the best GCSEs

Learn tips for choosing the best GCSE options for you, and find out how you can use Unifrog to help you.

Use the link above to access this video:

Explore the different subjects within Unifrog and where they can lead you

A useful video that helps Year 9s to understand their choices

6. A useful video that helps prevent Year 9s from making options choices for the wrong reasons

7. Discussing Options with your child

It is also useful for your Year 9 son/daughter to think about the following areas:

  • Do they have any thoughts about what they would like to do after Year 11?

  • Do they have any thoughts about what they would like to do after Year 13?

  • Are there any jobs or careers that they have heard about that they like the sound of?

  • Do they have any ideas about their values and what is important to them in their life?

  • Do you already have an idea of what job or career you might like in the future?

    • If your son or daughter already has some ideas of what they might like to do for a future job or career, then there may be some GCSE subject option choices that are important that they choose. You can find out what these subjects and requirements are by exploring the jobs and entry requirements in the Unifrog Careers Library:

You may find it useful to ask the questions above to help complete these charts with your son/daughter, as an aid for discussing their subject choices.

We hope this has helped you feel more prepared to support your son/daughter with their Year 9 option choices.

Don't forget, we offer drop-in careers support so make the most of this if your son or daughter would also like some advice from a professional careers adviser.


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