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Wiltshire Police Cadet Recruitment Applications Open Now (Yrs 9-11)


Updated: May 4, 2024

Applications  will be open from 25/03/2024 – 22/04/2024

What do Police Cadets do?

Cadets volunteer at community events and initiatives alongside our officers and members of the Special Constabulary. Cadets have supported a number of high-profile events including Solstice, WOMAD, Swindon Pride and the Emergency Services Show. 

Cadets also help our Neighbourhood Policing Teams by dropping leaflets, attending community safety events and carrying out street surveys. You will be trained in a variety of skills before becoming involved in community work, including learning including how to use radios, first aid, using personal protective equipment, health and safety and the foundations of law. 

We also give our cadets an insight into other operational areas of policing such as the Dog Section, Armed Response Group and Air Support Unit. 

What you get from being a cadet

  • Receive a police cadet uniform.

  • Enjoy a range of fun and challenging activities.

  • Benefit from one-to-one guidance for further education and job interviews, including with the police.

  • Support your local community through volunteering.

  • Work with Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), Police Officers and other partner agencies. 

Please note that we are currently recruiting for our Chippenham, Swindon, and Trowbridge units only.


To be able to join the Wiltshire Police Volunteer Cadet Scheme an individual must:

•             Live in or go to school in Wiltshire.

•             Be between 13 and 16 years of age at the start of the cadet year in September

2024 (individuals can remain a cadet until the age of 18)

•             Not have committed a violent or sexual offence

•             Not be, have been or become a member of, or engage in activities with, the

British National Party or similar organisations, whose aims, objectives, or

pronouncements may contradict the duty to promote race equality.


Please note that places on the scheme are not guaranteed and that all applications are subject to a selection panel. The cadet scheme is very popular and there are usually more applicants than vacancies so I regret that some candidates may be disappointed.

If you are interested in joining the scheme in joining the scheme, please read the VPC guidance document, PDF copy attached. Apply using the link embedded in the Online application for VPC guidance document.

Further information from the Wiltshire Police Website Police cadets | Wiltshire Police or on request from

Applications will be open from 25/03/2024 – 22/04/2024


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